Saturday, September 23, 2006

Brian 20 years ago

Originally uploaded by nlnnet. Available at:
I have been at work in sharing for mor than 20 years. This is a photo of me in an earlier time on my way to Ireland where I was to play music as a part of the band called "Pacific".

It was as a part of my experience in this group that I discovered the importance of TV as we made a music video to promoite the group. With the broadcast of this one special we reached more people than we did in a year's worth of tours - I learned quickly.

Since that time I have visited hundreds of international stations. I have met with the directors of networks, I have met with cabinets of members of several countries. I also have personal contact with producers who have very high level programming.

It is amazing what can happen. I am still asking myself why I have these contacts - the reality is however that I DO have these contacts and I need to work accordingly.

Our contacts are good - we expect them to be even better in the near future. Join us in praying that this will be so

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