Friday, January 12, 2007

Counting the Days

I recently had my internet host cause great problems for me. The host is - they are NOT to be used!

They caused me a huge problem and with great incompetence found what seemed to me creative ways to ignore the obvious solution to the problem which I as a lay person even saw very quickly.

I would not have believed it myself had I not recorded the chat sessions - I intentionally worked with them in a written format so that I would have a record of what transpired. The bottom line is that the company is like a psychological misfit - and I do not enjoy trusting my important stuff to crazies.

I wil have more to write about this later. For now let us just say that all readers of this should stay away from new accounts with

As you know, I am a songwriter. I have a songwriting podcast, but it is costing me money and I am not to eager to share what I do when it costs me to do so. Therefore a way to share my music otherwise. This is a sample / test. Please let me know what you think about it. If it works it will help me a lot, but if it does not I need to know.

Counting the Days:

1 comment:

Praveen said...

Hi Kelly

I believe you are hosting a site there, have u tried playing around with some free hosts like , its pretty nice and free.
