June 2007
Dear Mission Partners,
Thanks to a gift, it is possible to travel to eastern Europe where Urs Leuzinger and Walter Kast will meet with TV stations in Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Kosovo and Croatia. In recent months God has opened doors in Bulgaria, Kosovo and Croatia after many years of prayer. This trip is designed to do some trouble-shooting and to meet personally with the leaders of several TV stations. Please continue to pray.
- In largely muslim Kosovo the director of TV MEN recently told us that programs translated into Albanian are being broadcast on his local TV station. Because they have proven to be a reliable partner and we received a gift for the purpose we are able to help them financially to get more translated faster for broader distribution in the region.
- In Bulgaria our main contact person has been elected as director of Viara TV. Viara means "faith" and is a cultural channel with religious broadcasts from multiple denominations. For several months an 8 hour block of programming is broadcast with 2 repeats. In May the first 8 NLN programs are being translated into a synchronized Bulgarian version.
- In Croatia an evangelistic program about Christian motorcyclists was broadcast in Croatian over Easter. Here is the feedback from the team there:
This film about the motorcyclists is great and has a very clear and powerful message. All of us who have worked on the Croatian version have been blessed by this and we learned a lot from the testimonies of the bikers. Because this program is powerful our own lives have been changed an have been touched by God. We are sure that God will move all the people who see it over Easter."
- In Russia We are pleased that TV-Club Globus, one of our works in the former Soviet Union is still getting positive viewer feedback "Hi dear TV-Club GLOBUS Team. My name is Sagateljan S. I am 10 years old and go to 4th grade. My sister and I regularly watch your children's programming. With the help of Jesus we have a clean heart and are healthy. We thank you. Please send to us the book "Answers to Often Asked Questions". From the Ural mountain region.
- Digitalization The digitalization process is progressing nicely. It has already enabled us to send programs to TV stations over the internet which saves a lot in shipping and import duties. We have also received positive feedback on this from some partners. We have received the first episode of "Secrets of Success“. "The picture quality is great. Thanks for your helpfulness and for your work." This is motivational for us, and hopefully to you as well.
As the NLN team we are facing some very challenging financial challenges, but we are trusting God to help us and to help you help with your contribution so that we can do this mission work, that Gospel may be announced in the whole world. (Matthew 24:14)
We are also thankful for your continued prayers for the multi-faceted mission work of NLN.
Until the Nations Hear (and see),
The New Life Network Team
Brian Kelley, Walter Kast, Urs Leuzinger
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