Monday, September 17, 2007

CEVMA 2007 Talk - New Media © Brian Kelley, 2007

Some contact info for Brian:

Micro Blogs: Twitter - | Pownce -

GI Joe Slide show - Old Media / New Media

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true." - James Branch Cabell, The Silver Stallion

Question I posed in preparing for the seminar: "So, what is it that you think about "New Media"? Does it offer greatness and possibility or is it more like the tool of the devil that is dumbing down society, killing relationships, messing up story and diluting communication."

What is "New Media" - Some Definitions
  • All electronic communications that have appeared or will appear since the original text-and-static picture forms of online communication.
  • New Media means basically just that: new media. The latest form of mass communication developed by society always tends to be given this label. In years past it was radio, television, cable TV, satellite TV, etc. Nowadays it tends to be used primarily to talk about emerging digital/electronic communications forms, particularly the internet and the World Wide Web.
Brian's thoughts
  • it has an element of interactivity meaning that the end-user can interact in some way with the media AND an element of not belonging to MSM (Mainstream Media), sometimes also referred to as viral
    • timeshift / on-demand
    • comments (blogs, video sharing sites)
    • multimedia responding and feedback
    • intelligence of the crowds (digg, intrade)

It's all the New Media, capital N, capital M, ... The distinctions between television, radio, video and the Internet are gone. What matters now for companies is who develops the right strategy to harness the combined New Media first, fastest, best and least expensively.

Jim Carroll

Other's feedback:
Answer No.1 (What is New Media in one sentence).
New media is a wonderful convergence of web-based technologies which allow us to distribute, seek, and consume any and all information/entertainment relevant any given topic, person, or period.

Answer No.2 (What is the most important thing New Media has meant for you?).
The most important thing about new media is that it affords me the opportunity to read, watch, or listen to information/entertainment from a host of different technological perspectives. For example: Think back to when we all were first introduced to Google Maps and it's hand full of simple features. Now look at Google Maps today with it's ever growing host of features along with all of the Web2.0 mash-up which utilizes the Google Maps API. I'm seeing things from many different technological perspectives, and that helps me satisfy my thirst for knowledge. "Knowledge, a byproduct of New Media"

To help this time be helpful to us I have decided to focus on New Media related to three things, with some thoughts on a fourth if we decide to take the time and have the time or desire to discuss it.

I also would like to have this be a very open session and invite participation. It would be wonderful to take our notes after this time and have them be better than what I was able to put together myself and to share them more widely (and this is a part of the potential 4th topic - collaboration.)

Kids think different than we did:
  • All TV shows can be paused and watched later
  • all phones work everywhere and fit in your pocket
  • you can see all the photos you take immediately
  • Vinyl now means LPs. (It used to be the only way to hear music)
  • Phones are mostly for games, music listening and thumb writing. When absolutely you can also talk with them

I knew we were in a different age when one night my daughter, age 5, ended her prayer: "Thank you Jesus. Amen dot com"

Here however are the main topics about using New Media: Creation, Marketing and Distribution -

and always remember:
  • Who are we targeting with what we do?
  • Where does our audience start and how do we lead them from this point?


A lot of us "old-timers" will likely not think about new media in this way at all. We are merely interested in creating the "real" stuff destined for the cinema, the small screen or for "home video use." But new media has its own sense and perhaps its own "rules" and we should give some thought to this and what it means.

  1. Avoid "shovelware", or at least know when you are doing it.
  2. Don't hobble what can be done in the future by stupidity - know the demands of the outlet
    1. technical
      1. scripts
      2. tiimecode
      3. M/E tracks
      4. licenses
      5. privacy statements
      6. terms of service
    1. social - audience expectations
      1. closed or open garden?
      2. exclusivity
        1. by invitation?
        2. password required for
          1. all
          2. some
          3. feedback
      3. interaction
        2. linkbacks
        3. emailing links
        4. sharing
        5. embeddability
        6. widgets and apis
          1. examples
            1. Google Earth and what is spawned
              2. google street view (and locale applications
              3. Applications "laid over" this structure
  3. Know what your target market is and design with the end in mind
    1. who - age, demographics
    2. what - interactivity level, budget, management long term commitment level
    3. where - removable media, online, mobile
    4. how - text, multimedia, video, avatars (Second Life)


Alerting the world to your amazing stuff.

  1. General Considerations
    1. Viral awareness
    2. Algorithms and what it means to you
  2. The Obvious
    1. Video sharing
        1. YouTube
        2. Revver -allows for revenue sharing and easy to make viral videos
        3. Google Video
        4. Vimeo
        5. MetaCafe
        6. Yahoo Video
        7. Photobucket
        8. VuMe
    2. Blogs
  3. Less Obvious
    1. Tools
      1. - clickstreams
      2. Widgets - tools that allow for easy user interface
      3. - Allows to create RSS for places without them (also Yahoo Pipes)
      4. - vote it up or down
    2. Social Sites
      1. MySpace
      2. Facebook
      3. 123-friendz
    3. Mini Blogs - (QuickTips 018)
      1. Twitter
      2. Jaiku
      3. Pownce
  4. Get creative
    1. Photos - use screen captures to tease and promote
      1. - I use it with screen shots as well as html inside of comments and the "notes"
      2. - a flickr look alike
      3. - actually gets a revunue share too
  5. Some thoughts
    1. People lie about what they want - follow the data (see the Yahoo clip form Business Week)
      1. Common Wisdom vs. What the data said on Yahoo
        1. Important News on the front page vs. Celebrity info (heavy Britney Clicks)
        2. Small Front Page with Search vs. better use if all in one place
        3. Change place of search - no big deal vs. millions lost or gained


Consider the target audience:
* what are they looking for
* how do they get it (or how would they prefer to get it?)
* alternatives to internet (Hard disks etc. - Shine TV / UCB has experience with this)

  1. RSS
    1. NewsReaders
      1. GoogleReader
    1. Podcasts (RSS with attachments)
      1. Podomatic
      2. Libsyn
      3. I-tunes
    1. Mashups

  1. Skypecasts - get a mini audience
  2. IP-TV
    1. Joost
    2. Babelgum
    3. Other regional solutions
  3. MediaFire - Easy File sharing (also large media files)


Using it
  1. Collaboration
    1. Google Docs
    2. - online suite
    3. Online Databases
      1. Example:
  2. Creation
    1. Avoid "shovelware", or at least know when you are doing it.
    2. Don't hobble what can be done in the future by stupidity
      1. scripts
      2. timecode
      3. M/E tracks
      4. licenses
    3. Know what your target market is and design with the end in mind
      1. who - age, demographics
      2. what - interactivity level, budget, management long term commitment level
      3. where - removable media, online, mobile
      4. how - text, multimedia, video, avatars (Second Life)
      1. Babelgum

Discovering what is happening tools

Social Networks

Media Sharing / Delivery

New Business Model - do not underestimate the benefits of offering "free" stuff

Stories of how things are wrongly done

Examine effectiveness - how do you use traditional media? Is there a better way?

Show samples :

Brainstorming thoughts

  • New media usage for churches
  • Audience is key - reach them and apply NM as needed
  • Some Benefits of NM
    • cost
    • stickiness
    • deliverability
    • cross marketing made easier
    • increasing google presence (getting found - 123-friendz as an example)
  • get some cool stats about NM
    • how many online videos are watched?
    • participation by age in
      • social networking sites
      • IM
      • microblogging
      • other "worlds"
  • Screenshots of sites
    • facebook
    • twitter
    • feedburner
    • vimeo
    • myspace
    • pownce
    • youtube
    • 123-friendz
    • jaiku
    • revver
    • google reader
  • Where is NM "eating" the most from MSM?
  • Question to ask?
    • What is it?
    • How to use it (create table)
    • Type
      Social Sites
      MySpace No
      especially good for music
      Social Sites Facebook Yes
      I use facebook widgets to manage a lot of these other things
      Twitter No

      Microblogging Pownce No

      Microblogging Jaiku No

      Video Sharing
      YouTube Yes

      Video Sharing Revver No

      Video Sharing UstreamTV Yes

      Media Convert
      Allows for storage for 30 days with unique URL
      Google Reader

      RSS I-Tunes

      Feedburner No

      Video Sharing
      Vimeo No

      Podomatic Yes
      you lose some control over the feed
      Groups and Forums
      Yahoo Groups


    • What to watch for
  • Don't forget the economics (cost in both money AND time) Determine what you are measuring and then if it is generating results.

Other interesting Stuff:

New Media Videos -

New Media - Jump In -

What is Web 2.0?

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Online Content Trends
Consumers are increasingly contributing to online video or social networking sites: nine percent of German and seven percent of U.S. respondents claim to have contributed to a user-generated content site; 26 percent of U.S. respondents reported contributing to a social networking site. While the numbers were slightly less from other countries like the UK (20 percent) and Japan (9 percent), they are also significant. Australia topped all countries surveyed with 36 percent contributing to social networking sites and nine percent contributing to video content sites. Of those who contributed content, an average of 58 percent worldwide did so for recognition and community, not monetary gain.

IDEAS after CEVMA 2007:

  • Monetize by finding ways to talk about, promote your projects in other places
    • share feedback on podcasts, forums, photo sharing sites, blogging feedback etc.

1 comment:

Cryptonim said...

Here I am suggesting Revenue Sharing Blogging Community website where you can get paid for posting information, articles, news and pictures.

You Just Post Content and can Drive Traffic to your Blog.