Monday, August 22, 2011

Set Aside

My friend Wolfgang Koch gave the sermon on 21 August, 2011.

He asked me if I would write a song to correspond to his topic, and that is what is here.

I call the tune Set Aside. I took the tact of writing about the topic of Kenosis - a Greek word for emptiness. The inspirational text was Philippians 2:5-11

The sermon is in German, but the song is in English with German translation. If you speak German listen to the sermon, but if you just want the tune the song begins at 35:57 and you can jump to it once it buffers enough.

Set Aside from Ev. Kirchengemeinde Neuenburg - Music by Brian Kelley on Vimeo.

If you are a musician and want to use it here are the accompanying chords

And here is an mp3 of just "Set Aside".

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