Many good things have happened to you.
Really, it is true. A tremendous number of positive events have occurred benefiting you directly.
These events happened to you as a child, they continued into adolescence and did not stop as you became an adult.
There is something in us that seems to tend away from retention. Over time we forget, and the tendency to forget good things is especially strong.
Our brains seem wired to look at the current, to look at the immediate and base what we think and feel on whatever is newest.
Our attention spans are getting increasingly shorter. Congratulations if you have read this far!
Anything over 140 characters seems to many more and more like reading a novel.
We have far to many “time saving” acronyms, IMHO (LOL!)
Our tendency is to ask, like the Janet Jackson song, “what have you done for me lately.” (Someone reading this is internally complaining that I am not using a newer song as an example.)
Let’s face it folks. We have a problem. We live in a world where our currency is the current
We are now-aholics.
The first step is to admit that we have a problem.
Go ahead. Do it.
© Brian Kelley 2011
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