Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Surprised by a Gift

Last week I was playing music in Neuenburg am Rhein (as I mostly do.)

This particular week was however different and for me uncomfortable.

I was getting ready to play the instrumental music that we normally play during the time the offering is taken when the pastor says to the church that the offering is for my missionary work.

In all honesty I first thought - oh NO I missed an email!

I had no clue this was happening. Personally this meant that I - in front of the whole church - had no idea about how to respond having heard this myself for the first time.

It was not a pleasant experience and I hope it never again happens. There are many reasons why this is not good but I want to focus on the positive.

I NEVER would have wished for a gift like this. NEVER. I have however decided that whatever comes in I will pass on to something God shows me is needy of help. Then I need to share this with my church (likely together with the situation that made me so embarressed) to see and show how God works.

I in any case will not take the money for myself - but I will I hope use the ability it gave me to decide how it flows wisely.

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