Sunday, April 03, 2016

If you're appy and you know it clap your hands!

I arrived in Cannes for the international TV market.

I booked the flight with the EasyJet app.
I booked the room with the Airbnb app.
I booked my ground transport with the Uber app.
I found my evening meal with the Yelp app.
I planned my schedule tomorrow with the MIPtv app.
I set my wake-up tomorrow with the alarm app.
In the Uber car
I take notes about it all in the Evernote app.
And I tell you about this with the blogger app.
And for those who only know how to use Facebook it might end up there too..

So, yes, things have changed since I was born, so many years ago.

MIPtv signs at the Nice airport

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