They had a big start. God had personally freed them from slavery. They sang and danced with great joy
But it did not take long for things to look differently. A good start is a wonderful thing - but a good beginning does not guarantee good middle or end.
When the spies were sent to scope out the Promised Land only 2 of the 12 came back with a message of hope and faith. All 12 saw that the inhabitants of the land were big and strong and scary. But Joshua and Caleb saw beyond the environment to the heavens, beyond the temporal and into the eternal - to a God who is the same yesterday, today and forever. Who can never lie, Who never breaks a promise.
There are giants in our lives, and some are big and scary, imposing and beyond our ability to overcome. But fortunately we were not called to a promised land based upon our ability to get there on our own.
A land has been promised to us - a kingdom actually and the kingdom of God is both coming and already here.
We still have troubles - but they are not ours alone to carry. The promise is And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
David - described as a man after God’s own heart had his fair share of legitimate fears. He was hunted by real giants, he was hunted by his own king. But his fear was of something else. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me
The promise to us is that the Promised One has come and will remain.
Do you see your giants in isolation? You and I are not left alone to battle these giants on our own. The Promised One who has promised to be with us until the end of the age has also said: In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
When I see only the giants all around me I have fear. But when I see the One who is always, always with me, then these giants seem so, so small...
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