Monday, November 25, 2019


When you visit a cemetery, you will see the markers over the burial plots. Some are wooden until they get a more robust stone replacement. Some are elaborate, even professionally sculptured, artfully formed - polished, gleaming adorned with life in the form of flowers. Sometimes artwork and today, even video.

But with the exception of those buried who are unidentifiable, the gravestone has a few common items. A name, a date of birth and a date of death. 

In most cases what comes between the date of birth and the date of demise is represented by a small horizontal line.

There can scarcely be a better way to state better the ephemeral brevity of our lives than its entire representation in a mere dash!

But we were not designed to be a dash.

Scripture tells us that the name of those who are in the Lord are written in a book of Life. These names have more than a date of birth and a dash representing all of life. 

The dash shows something temporary, fleeting, short, abrupt.

But there is a better form of punctuation to describe the life of those who have life in Jesus.

It is this ...

When we see those three dots, we know more is to come. Something yet hidden, but nonetheless still there. 

fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

We are called to be more than a dash, we are designed for the three points.

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