Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Unexpected Service

I work regularly with the pre-teens in Neuenburg. I was recently able to get Valerie Bonfiglio (who used to work with me in NLN) to join us for the next few weeks as we focus on the topic "The Bible".

It seems that God had other plans. Her father-in-law passed away and the funeral is taking place on the day she was to take part.

I will be doing the musical part of the service in Switzerland which is also in Italian. (The man who passed is from Sicily.)

I have never even been to a Swiss funeral so this will be definitely something new.

The older I get the more I realize that as much as possible I simple need to be there to do what God sets before me. It seems crazy, but in my experience the things I see as important also seem to get done somehow.

Pray for the Bonfiglios in their loss.

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