Monday, March 24, 2014

When Christians exaggerate

For many years I was a part of a ministry that placed great emphasis on all of its "foot soldiers" to deliver details about how they share the message of the Gospel. It was all designed to deliver material to the leadership as close as real time as possible.

The idea was not bad. But the way the leadership dealt with the internationally leadership showed they were not up to the challenge of making it work.

I was a part of this group for 26 years and in all of my time there they always fell short of getting it right.

Part of why I left was that I was not happy to be a part of a system that just stated reports without context.

I try now as best as I can to state things like they are. I hope by doing so it makes more sense than before.

What should be clear is however that God is doing great stuff internationally. My desire is that in the future that this is more clearly share apart from the past.

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